WPS - Whitefield Primary School
WPS stands for Whitefield Primary School
Here you will find, what does WPS stand for in Institution under Education category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Whitefield Primary School? Whitefield Primary School can be abbreviated as WPS What does WPS stand for? WPS stands for Whitefield Primary School. What does Whitefield Primary School mean?Whitefield Primary School is an expansion of WPS
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Alternative definitions of WPS
- Women Police Station
- Wisconsin Physicians Service
- MicroSoft Works Text document
- Workplace Solutions
- W P S Resources Corporation
- Worker Protection Standard
- Welding Procedure Specification
- Wireless Priority Service
View 157 other definitions of WPS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- WCMPC Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards
- WCS West Coast Songwriters
- WIMG Where Is My Guru
- WLR Wang Lai Realty
- WSP Wells Specialty Pharmacy
- WL Women in Law
- WCB West Coast Beauty
- WGLA Wolf Group L.A.
- WFAH West Flamingo Animal Hospital
- WM The Wright Massage
- WASC Winnipeg Airport Services Corp.
- WGPT Willow Grove Physical Therapy
- WCUL Washington Credit Union League
- WVM West Virginia Media
- WFOF Without Fear Or Favour
- WWG World Wide Golf
- WVFD Webster Volunteer Fire Dept
- WIBL Withey Insurance Brokers Ltd.
- WS The Work Shop
- WMDS Wolf Mountain Day Spa